Simultaneous Combined Resection with Trachea, Bronchus and Aorta for Carcinoma of Thoracic Esophagus


Clinical experiences with combined sleeve resection of the trachea, bronchus and aorta with esophagectomy for esophageal cancer were reported in 6 cases including concurrent combined resection of the aorta and left main bronchus in one. 1) These cancers were advanced ones, showing nodal involvement of n2 in one, n3 in three and n4 in two. 2) In the three cases of combined resections of the aorta, it was made via left thoracotomy using preceding bypass with artificial vessel. There was no complication related to vascular surgery. 3) It must be prudent to determine the extent of the resection for involved trachea on the basis of an experience having recurrence at anastomosis. 4) It was sure that surgical outcome of combined resection was not necessarily satisfactory but improvement of it would be expected by avoiding early postoperative complication with meticulous postoperative care. 5) Based on our clinical experience with appearance of early lung metastasis following surgery, it is emphasized that potent multidisciplinary treatment is mandatory for improvement of the surgical result

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