An Experimental Evaluation of Tracheal Blood Flow with Special Referrence to Operative Procedure of Tracheal Mobilization


Based on the study with special referrence to blood flow in the trachea, the factors influential on the operative procedure of tracheal mobilization were carefully evaluated to ensure optimal surgical results. It has already been assumed with an aid of microangiographic technique that the main trancheal blood flow comprise two routes, namely, adventitial and submucosal layers. The amount of blood flow in the trachea divided into individual two layers were measured by hydrogen clearance test with wire electrodes placed in either adventitial or submucosal layer. When employed the procedure of extensive mobilization of the trachea, the level of tracheal blood flow reduced in adventitial layer rather lthan in submucosal layer. Blood flow in submucosal layer, however, remain closely near the normal level, which is thought to compensate a decreased blood supply in the tracheal adventitia. Meanwhile, when proposed an excessive tension of more than 800g at the site of anastomosis, a decrease in submucosal blood flow has become manifest despite of a slight decrease in adventitial blood flow simultaneously. Greater emphasis has been focused upo

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