Pancreatic Duct-to-mucosa versus Invagination or Complete External Drainage Anastomosis in Case of Small Pancreatic Duct after Pancreaticoduodenectomy: Comparative Historical Review


After pancreaticoduodenectomy (PD), pancreatic duct-to-mucosa anastomosis (PDM) has been usually applied which may prevent risk of pancreatic fistula (PF). In cases with a small pancreatic duct, however, PDM is difficult to complete. Procedures involving the invagination (IV) or complete external tube drainage (CED) are supposed to be alternative options for anastomosis. We retrospectively compared clinical results between PDM and IV or CED in 104 patients with a tiny pancreatic duct who underwent PD. The 77 patients undergoing PDM (the control group) and 27 patients undergoing other procedures, including 19 for CED and 8 for IV, were comparatively examined. Fatty pancreas was commonly observed in CED group. Pancreaticojejunostomy was significantly more frequently applied in CED group, and the operating time in the IV group was significantly longer than in control group (p<0.05). The anastomotic time in CED group tended to be shorter than those in control and IV groups (18 versus 29 and 37 min). The incidences of PF were not significantly different among groups (31% in control, 47% inCED and 14% in IV, respectively); however, a grade B or C level of PF was not observed in the IV group. PDM is often difficult to achieve and inadequate suturing may injure the pancreatic parenchyma in cases of very small pancreatic duct. Re-evaluation of the CED or IV procedure as an alternative option was suggested to be warranted

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