

理学療法における寒冷療法の効果について安静時,寒冷終了時,15分後のH反射・M波のリクルートメントカーブ(RC)を導出した.RCより,Hmax/Mmax比,H閾値/M閾値比,Hslp/Mslp比を求め,安静時と比較検討した.同一被験者のH反射,M波の各測定時の振幅は低下してした.Hmax/Mmax比,H閾値/M閾値比,Hslp/Mslp比は,各測定時において統計的有意差は認められないものの,安静時と比較して低下する傾向を示した. これらの結果より寒冷刺激は,脊髄運動ニューロンプールの抑制に関与するが,その影響は筋に対する抑制が大きいものと考えられた.To study the effect of cryotherapy in physiotherapy, the recruitment curve (RC) of Hoffman refrex (H-reflex) and motor wave (M-wave) was evoked at rest, at completion of cryotherapy and after 15 minutes. The Hmax/Mmax ratio (Hmax/Mmax), H threshold/M threshold ratio (Hth/Mth) and H slope/M slope ratio (Hslp/Mslp) were calculated from RC and were compared with the values at rest. The amplitudes of H-reflex and M-wave at completion of cooling and after 15 minutes decreased in all subjects. The Hmax/Mmax, Hth/Mth and Hslp/Mslp were not significant statistically at each measurement but showed a trend of decrease compared with the values at rest. These results suggested that the cooling is effctive on the inhibition of muscles while it contributes to the inhibition of the motoneuron pool

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