六枚仕立底曳網の研究―2 : 六枚仕立と四枚仕立底曳網の力学的比較


After analyzing theoretically the mechanical characteristics of a sixseam trawl and a four-seam trawl, a series of experiments of both models was conducted in a ferro circulating water tank to compare their relative merits. The comparison of their important performance such as the spread of wings, elevation of headline and total resistance of nets was carried out theoretically as well as experimentally. Since no remarkable difference of the spread of wings of both trawls could be noted even though the wing of four-seam trawl was longer than that of the six-seam trawl, the conclusion could be drawn that the greater total resistance of the six-seam trawl nets than that of the four-seam trawl nets is much affected by higher elevation of its headline

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