

韓国(晋州)と日本(長崎県・対馬)において出産・育児に関する慣習について調査し,結果を比較した.里帰りの慣習は日本独自のものであった.出産は韓国では神聖視されており,日本では不浄視されていた.しかし,二つの地域での出産・育児の慣習は類似していた.産後の禁忌に関する慣習では,妊娠中の慣習と比較して科学的に納得のいくものが多かった.科学的知識の乏しかった時代の人々は,経験から産後の回復過程をよく観察し理解していたと思われる.誕生後はさまざまな儀式がとり行われていたが,これらは子どもの無事を願う両親や家族及び近隣社会の人々の気持ちを反映したものであった.出産・育児に関する慣習の本質は母子の安全への願いであり,それは文化の違いに関係なく存在するものであろう.The cultural background of patients who require in nursing must be considered because it has effects on the quality of nursing care. Traditional customs regarding delivery and child rearing in Korea and Japan were investigated and compared. Inherited customs in the two areas were very similar. Many taboos concerned the type of eaten food and behavior during after delivery were scientifically persuasive. Before the development of medical science, such customs whereas were the fruits of traditional wisdom. Concerning childbirth, taboos in Korea involved the element of sacredness, in Japan taboos guarded against pollution. Various rites performed after birth reflected not only the wishes of the parents and other family members, but of neighbors for the healthy growth of the child. The essence of these birth customs, regardless of differences in culture, is that people wished for the safety of the mother and child

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