Generalized Auditory Agnosia following a Subarachnoid Hemorrhage; A case report


A 65-year-old male developed a subarachnoid hemorrhage(SAH) caused by a ruptured right internal carotid artery-posterior communicating artery aneurysm. Clipping of the aneurysm, removal of the hematoma, and external decompression were performed. Thereafter, he developed a bacterial meningitis after a spinal lumbar drainage that was done for the treatment of hydrocephalus. He was admitted to our hospital for rehabilitation 4 months after the onset of the SAH. He was still lethargic and delirious at the time of admission. He could not recognize spoken words, environmental sounds or music one month later, but was able to speak and understand the written words. He was diagnosed to have generalized auditory agnosia, based on almost normal pure tone audiometry, otoacoustic emission test, and ABR. Brain CT disclosed a right temporal and frontal lesions, but not in the left side. The eZIS and vbSEE analysis of the SPECT images disclosed a lesion in the left Heschl\u27s transverse gyrus that could not be detected on CT. We emphasized that the detailed analysis of the SPECT images is useful to demonstrate the lesions that can not be detected by CT

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