
The existence of children is closely related to the continuation of a life process, there are problems that befall children so that there is a need for legal protection of children. The Lamongan Regency Government has an effort to protect children's rights with the ABH Social Rehabilitation Program which is handled by the Lamongan Regency Social Service. The formulation of the research problem is how to implement the ABH Social Rehabilitation Program, using descriptive research with qualitative research methods. Data collection techniques were obtained through interviews, observations, and documentation at the Lamongan District Social Service. The results of this study, firstly, the standards and policy objectives are in accordance with the regulations and procedures, namely the Criminal Investigation Department and the Ministerial Regulation, only that they do not have an official SOP made by the Lamongan District Social Service. Second, financial and human resources have met the need for the ongoing ABH Social Rehabilitation Program. Third, communication between organizations that are established with several government agencies and private organizations is well established through coordination meetings, meetings, and communication through social media. Fourth, the characteristics of the implementing agency, namely the Social Service of Lamongan Regency, have a disciplined character and are responsible for the ABH Social Rehabilitation Program. Fifth, there is support for ABH from government agencies, private organizations, and companies in providing support in the form of monetary donations, training, and places for ABH Social Rehabilitation. Sixth, the disposition of the implementers has applied their understanding and abilities to the tasks carried out by providing good service responses to ABH. The conclusion is that the implementation of the ABH Social Rehabilitation Program at the Lamongan District Social Service has fulfilled 5 of the 6 theoretical variables of Donald S. Van Meter and Carl E. Van Horn. Keywords: Implementation, Social Rehabilitation, Children in Conflict with the Law (ABH)Keberadaan anak erat dengan proses kelanjutan kehidupan,terdapat permasalahan yang menimpa anak sehingga perlu adanya perlindungan hukum anak. Pemerintah Kabupaten Lamongan memiliki upaya melindungi hak anak dengan Program Rehabilitasi Sosial ABH yang ditangani oleh Dinas Sosial Kabupaten Lamongan. Rumusan masalah penelitian ini adalah bagaimana implementasi Program Rehabilitasi Sosial ABH, menggunakan jenis penelitian deskriptif dengan metode penelitian kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data diperoleh melalui wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi di Dinas Sosial Kabupaten Lamongan.Hasil dari penelitian ini pertama, standar dan tujuan kebijakan sesuai dengan peraturan dan prosedur Bareskrim dan Peraturan Menteri, hanya saja tidak memiliki SOP resmi yang dibuat oleh Dinas Sosial Kabupaten Lamongan. Kedua, Sumber daya finansial dan SDM sudah memenuhi kebutuhan akan berlangsungnya Program Rehabilitasi Sosial ABH. Ketiga, komunikasi antar organisasi yang terjalin dengan beberapa instansi Pemerintah dan Organisasi swasta terjalin dengan baik melalui rapat koordinasi, pertemuan, dan komunikasi melalui media sosial. Keempat, karakteristik instansi pelaksana yakni Dinas Sosial Kabupaten Lamongan memiliki karakter disiplin dan bertanggung jawab terhadap Program Rehabilitasi Sosial ABH. Kelima, adanya dukungan pada ABH dari pihak instansi Pemerintah, Organisasi swasta, dan Perusahaan dalam memberikan dukungan berbentuk sumbangan uang, pelatihan, dan tempat Rehabilitasi Sosial ABH. Keenam, disposisi pelaksana telah menerapkan pemahaman dan kemampuan yang dimiliki terhadap tugas yang diemban dengan memberikan respon pelayanan yang baik terhadap ABH. Kesimpulannya adalah implementasi Program Rehabilitasi Sosial ABH di Dinas Sosial Kabupaten Lamongan telah memenuhi 5 dari 6 variabel teori Donald S. Van Meter and Carl E. Van Horn. Kata Kunci : Implementasi, Rehabilitasi Sosial, Anak Yang Berhadapan Dengan Hukum (ABH

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