
Abstrak Abdurrahman wahid merupakan presiden ke 4 indonesia. Selama menjabat menjadi presiden beliau merupakan sosok yang cerdas  dan memiliki visi kenegaraan yang cemerlang dan memiliki kredibilitas tinggi oleh karena itu beliau di senangi oleh masyarakat. Semenjak beliau wafat, beliau di makamkan di komplek pemakaman Tebuireng. Alasan beliau di makamkan di Tebuireng karena beliau lahir dan di besarkan di Tebuireng. Semenjak keberadaan makam beliau di Tebuireng membuat Tebuireng ramai di datangi oleh para peziarah. Tujuan dari pada penelitian ini adalah (1) Mengetahui struktur ekonomi, struktur sosial, struktur budaya masyarakat Tebuireng sebelum adanya wisata religi makam Gus Dur, (2) Mengetahui struktur ekonomi, struktur sosial, struktur budaya masyarakat Tebuireng setelah adanya wista religi makam Gus Dur, (3) Mengetahui perubahan sosial masyarakat Tebuireng setelah adanya wisata religi Makam Gus Dur. Melakukan ziarah kubur ke makam suci sangatlah populer bagi masyarakat jawa. Ziarah makam terdapat tiga jenis situs kepercayaan yaitu kepercayaan masyarakat muslim Jawa, Hindu, atau Budha. Selain itu ziarah makam dapat meningkatkan devisa bagi pemerintah dan masyarakat. Tenik penelitian meggunakan penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan etnometodologi. Hasil dari penelitian bahwasannya terdapat perubahan, perubahan yang terlihat yaitu  perubahan sosial, ekonomi, dan perubahan budaya. Perubahan yang sangat terlihat yaitu perubahan ekonomi masyarakat sekitar. Semenjak keberadaan wisata makam, perekonomian masyarakat sangat meningkat. Kata kunci : Perubahan sosial, ekonomi, budaya, pariwisata Abstract Abdurrahman wahid is the fourth president of Indonesia. During became president, he is an intelligent person and have sparkle vision of the state and also he have high credibility therefore many people love him. Since he passed away, he buried in the funeral complex of Tebuireng. The reason why he burried in there, because he was born and grew up in Tebuireng. During he buried in Tebuireng, it make Tebuireng crowded of pilgrims. The purpose of this research is (1) Knowing of economic structure, social structure, community culture structure of Tebuireng before the grave tour religion of Gus Dur existed. (2) Knowing econimic structure, social structure, community culture structure of Tebuireng after the grave tour religion of Gus Dur existed. (3) Knowing the change of social community after the grave tour religion of Gus Dur existed. Visiting the holy grave is very popular in javanese people. Pilgrimage tomb be found  3 kinds of belief site those are belief of javanese moeslim community, Hindu and Buddha. In the other hand, pilgrimage tomb can increase foreign exchange for government and community. The experience technical is using qualitative experience by using etnometodology approach. The result of this experience is happened change, it can look from social change, economic change, and culture change. The prominent change is economic change of around community. Since the grave tour religion existed, economy of around community very increased. Keyword : the change of social, econimic, culture, touris

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