
The perspective of the urban community that is increasingly modern has made Islamic boarding schools an alternative educational institution for their children and is an effort to balance the world science and the science of the hereafter and can form the next generation who are successful both materially and spiritually and have good character. The problems examined in this study are 1. How is the development of PPPM Baitul Makmur Indonesian Islamic Da'wah Institute (LDII) Surabaya in 2014-2018? 2. What is the impact of the existence of PPPM Baitul Makmur Indonesian Islamic Da'wah Institute (LDII) Surabaya on the people of Jetis Kulon and its surroundings in 2014-2018. The research method used is the historical research method which has several stages, namely, Heuristics, Source Criticism, Interpretation, and Historiography. The results of this study explain that the development of PPPM Baitul Makmur LDII Surabaya from year to year is quite significant both in terms of curriculum, quality of teachers and students to facilities and infrastructure, the peak of development occurred in 2018 marked by the recognition of PPPM Baitul Makmur as a legal entity and an increase in the number of students and students. several achievements. The existence of PPPM Baitul Makmur LDII Surabaya in the Jetis Kulon community and its surroundings has had a good impact in the fields of religious education, social and health. The impact in the field of religious education is that students become teaching staff at TPQ Baitul Makmur and provide religious education to the community regarding the application of the Al-Qur'an and Al- Hadith in their daily life. The impact in the social sector is that students participate in various kinds of community activities and participate in enlivening the Indonesian Independence Day event every year and even winning several achievements representing the Jetis Kulon village at the sub-district to provincial levels. In the health sector, the students often hold health consultations with residents, help implement posyandu and socialize the implementation of PHBS (Clean and Healthy Lifestyle). Keywords: Development, Student and Student Islamic Boarding School (PPPM), Baitul Makmur, Jetis Kulon

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