Phase diagrams of site diluted ferromagnetic semi infinite system


The spin correlations functions of face-centered cubic semi-infinite system are investigated by using the high  temperature series expansions extrapolated with the Padé approximant method for Heisenberg, XY and Ising models. The magnetic phase diagrams tc(n) versus the dilution x are obtained. The value obtained of the percolation threshold is. Xp≈0.2 The Xp is defined as the concentration at which tc =0The spin correlations functions of face-centered cubic semi-infinite system are investigated by using the high  temperature series expansions extrapolated with the Padé approximant method for Heisenberg, XY and Ising models. The magnetic phase diagrams tc(n) versus the dilution x are obtained. The value obtained of the percolation threshold is. Xp≈0.2 The Xp is defined as the concentration at which tc =

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