Dielectric Properties of new Ferroelectric Lead Potassium Niobate Pb0.9K0.2Nb2O6


In this paper we report the dielectric properties of ferroelectric compound Pb0.9K0.2Nb2O6 (PKN-0.1) that was elaborated by a standard solid-state reaction technique and characterized by X-ray diffraction,  Raman diffusion and scanning electron microscope  techniques confirming its tetragonal tungsten bronze (TTB) crystallographic structure. The dielectric permittivity and the loss tangent of the sample have been measured in a frequency range 20Hz–1MHz and a temperature range 35–550°C. The ferroelectric-paraelectric phase transition was observed at Tc=518°C witch follow the Curie-Weiss law. AC impedance plots were used as tool to analyse the electrical behaviour of the sample as function of frequency at different temperature. The obtained results indicate the non-Debye type dielectric relaxation.In this paper we report the dielectric properties of ferroelectric compound Pb0.9K0.2Nb2O6 (PKN-0.1) that was elaborated by a standard solid-state reaction technique and characterized by X-ray diffraction,  Raman diffusion and scanning electron microscope  techniques confirming its tetragonal tungsten bronze (TTB) crystallographic structure. The dielectric permittivity and the loss tangent of the sample have been measured in a frequency range 20Hz–1MHz and a temperature range 35–550°C. The ferroelectric-paraelectric phase transition was observed at Tc=518°C witch follow the Curie-Weiss law. AC impedance plots were used as tool to analyse the electrical behaviour of the sample as function of frequency at different temperature. The obtained results indicate the non-Debye type dielectric relaxation

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