Investigation Of A Circularly Polarized Laser Field For Mott Scattering Process Of Polarized Electrons


We present a study of Mott scattering of polarized electrons in the presence of a laser field with circular polarization using the helicity formalism and the introduction of the well known concept of non flip differential cross section as well as that of flip differential cross section. The results we have obtained in the presence of a laser field are coherent with those obtained in the absence of a laser field. We have compared our results with those obtained by B. Manaut et al [5] who described the process of Mott scattering of polarized electrons in the presence of a laser field with linear polarization. Some differences in the theoretical results obtained are reported.We present a study of Mott scattering of polarized electrons in the presence of a laser field with circular polarization using the helicity formalism and the introduction of the well known concept of non flip differential cross section as well as that of flip differential cross section. The results we have obtained in the presence of a laser field are coherent with those obtained in the absence of a laser field. We have compared our results with those obtained by B. Manaut et al [5] who described the process of Mott scattering of polarized electrons in the presence of a laser field with linear polarization. Some differences in the theoretical results obtained are reported

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