Growth of homopolymer chain


Thermodynamic and kinetic properties of an homopolymer chain, in two dimensional square lattice, are studied by the use of chain growth algorithm based on the self avoiding walks process. Which is in accord with what happen in nature. All monomers are considered to be hydrophobic. In the thermodynamical study we examine the critical behaviour of the chain by following the evolution of the chain geometry with temperature. This is done by studying the behaviour of the mean distance R chosen to describe the homopolymer structure. Moreover, we give the behaviour of thermodynamic quantities such as conformational energy and specific heat. The effect of a force applied, in a fixed direction, on the chain when it is growing is also investigated. Finally, in a kinetic study, we analyse the evolution with temperature of the mean time necessarily for a given conformation to reach its native state.Thermodynamic and kinetic properties of an homopolymer chain, in two dimensional square lattice, are studied by the use of chain growth algorithm based on the self avoiding walks process. Which is in accord with what happen in nature. All monomers are considered to be hydrophobic. In the thermodynamical study we examine the critical behaviour of the chain by following the evolution of the chain geometry with temperature. This is done by studying the behaviour of the mean distance R chosen to describe the homopolymer structure. Moreover, we give the behaviour of thermodynamic quantities such as conformational energy and specific heat. The effect of a force applied, in a fixed direction, on the chain when it is growing is also investigated. Finally, in a kinetic study, we analyse the evolution with temperature of the mean time necessarily for a given conformation to reach its native state

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