Raman active modes in single-walled boron nitride nanotube bundles


We use the spectral moments method in the framework of the bond-polarization theory to calculate polarized nonresonant Raman spectra of chiral and achiral bundles of single walled boron nitride nanotubes (BWBNNTs) as a function of their diameter and chirality. The Spectra are computed for infinite size of BWBNNTs. We used a Lennard-Jones potential to describe the van der waals intertube interactions between tubes in a bundle. We show that the Raman active modes in the low wave number region are very sensitive to the nanotube diameter. We found that for infinite nanotube bundles, additional Radial Breathing Like mode appears in the low wave number region. These results are useful to interpret the experimental Raman spectra of BWBNNTs

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