Knowledge Processes and their Role in Innovation - A Comparison of Selected Chinese and Indian Practices


Innovation is today recognized as key to fostering economic development and building technological strengths in firms, industries and countries. While generally described in the common understanding as anything that is new and has an impact on a large scale, it is technology-driven innovation that has assumed prominence in the contemporary environment. Academic research and study of innovation has encompassed a variety of disciplines. From these efforts, innovation has emerged as a complex phenomenon that requires a variety of factors and concepts to describe. As innovation assumes prominence in countries such as India and China, which are aiming to catch up with the more advanced countries, the factors that go to make successful innovations possible are of increasing interest. This thesis examines the different approaches adopted in the field of innovation studies and identifies knowledge processes as key to understanding innovation. The applicability of this has been investigated through detailed research into three industry segments. Based on the research, frameworks of innovation based on knowledge processes have been presented including a comparison of practices in selected Chinese and Indian organizations

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