Tobacco use preventional interventions among Iranian adolescents: A review study


Background and Aims: Considering the increasing trend of tobacco usage among adolescents, effective interventions are necessary for smoking prevention in this group. We, therefore, decided to investigate the status of preventive interventions on tobacco usage among Iranian adolescents, especially the theory/model-based interventions.Meanwhile, the authors surveyed among other related studies, and categorized them in terms of effect/no effect.Materials and Methods: A literature review was performed. We selected studies to include in our analyses via a search of Scientific Information Database-SID and google scholar (as a supporter motor researcher) on November of 2017, using the keywords “Tobacco, Smoking, Hookahs” in the title and abstract of all published articles. After removing repetitive and unrelated cases, the full text of a series of articles on the prevention of tobacco in adolescentswas reviewed and the results were presented in terms of the phrases and tables.Results: Out of 1078 extracted articles, 14 papers were finally evaluated. The interventions were divided into twomain categories. Totally, in 9 studies, health education models and theories were the basis for intervention, and otherapproaches had been used in the remaining five studies.Conclusion: In spite of the influence of both types of interventions, model/theoretic interventions have been usedmore than other interventions in smoking prevention, which could be due to the more favorable and clearer effects of these interventions in changing the various behaviors of the health sector.Keywords: tobacco, preventional intervention, adolescent, review stud

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