Recent developments and application of metabolomics in cancer diseases


      Metabolomics studies provide useful information about health and disease status. Metabolite based investigations on various cancers is a powerful approach to diagnosis, prognosis and therapy of cancer diseases. Recently by using advanced analytical techniques such as NMR and MS and its hyphenation methods, global metabolic profiling of diseases has been possible. It is predictable that international contributions and software developments in the future will lead to accurate instrumental analysis based on  a large number of  human samples that finally will improve validation methods and reach this field from the research phase to the clinical phase. In this review, we also discussed the latest developments in analytical methods, application of data analysis, investigation of useful databases and the curent application of metabolomics in cancer diseases that have led to the identification of related biomarkers. In continuation, we listed biomarkers involved in cancer diseases that have been published during recent years.

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