School-Based Oral Health Promotion: A Thorough Review


Objectives Schools are considered as important platforms for oral health promotion worldwide. Oral diseases are preventable and any focus on schoolchildren can minimize suffering, reduce inequity, and create productive years of healthy adulthood later on. Hence, we need to explore oral health promotion methods conducted within the school systems in different countries. This is especially required for developing countries with limited resources.Methods The PubMed database was searched for English peer-reviewed articles published from January 2000 to June 2017 with available abstracts, specifically focusing on primary school children aged between 7 and 12 years. “Oral health”, “health promotion” and “school” were used as keywords in our search strategy. Relevant papers  were selected and reviewed by two independent readers using predefined exclusion criteria, firstly on the basis of abstracts, secondly by assessing full-text papers.Results From a total of 257 articles, 22 were eligible for analysis. Of all oral health related activities implemented in schools, oral health education was mentioned in most studies (n=15) followed by supervised tooth brushing program in schools with fluoride toothpaste (n=5), administration of fluoride (varnish/gel) (n=3), provision of nutritious food (n=3), multimedia game or campaign (n=3), and tooth examination with screening (n=3).Conclusion Improvement of children’s oral health related to school-based oral health programs is the result of a combination of several interventions. The governments and other policy makers should consider implementing some appropriate health promotion schemes in schools, which take local needs and resources into accoun

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