The effect of Migri-Heal® on nitric oxide production in an in vitro inflammatory model of primary microglial cells


Background: Recently, much attention has been directed towards considering activated microgelial cells as putative targets for treatment of neurological disorders. MigriHeal® as a novel herbal remedy was introduced for the treatment of migraine headaches. The previous researches has shown that MigriHeal® extracts can decrease NO in an in vitro inflammatory model. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of MigriHeal® on NO generation from LPS- stimulated microglia cells.Materials and Methods: Neonatal rat primary microglial cells were isolated from the mixed glial cultures and the purity of the cultures was determined by immunocytochemistry. Microglial cells were pretreated with Migri-Heal® and activated by 1μg/ml LPS. Subsequently, NO levels in the culture supernatants were measured by a griess reaction. Our results showed that Migri-Heal® 50μg/ml significantly reduced NO level in inflamed microglia in a dose-dependent manner. Results: The results showed that different concentrations of Migri-Heal® had no prominent effect on cell viability in presence of LPS as compared with the control group. In addition, the pretreatment of microglia cells with Migri-Heal® can prevent from a morphological changes of the cells into the round and phagocytic shape. Conclusion: Our study demonstrated that MigriHeal® might have NO scavenging properties. Integrative studies are warranted to uncover the novel pharmacological insights of this herbal remedy as an putative therapeutic approach against diseases - associated with inflammation

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