Accuracy and characteristics of cephalometric software programs for outcome prediction of orthognathic treatments: A review


Objectives: Several software programs have been designed for outcome prediction of orthodontic and surgical treatments. This study aimed to review the accuracy and characteristics of cephalometric software programs for outcome prediction of orthognathic surgeries.Methods: This study reviewed studies that compared cephalometric software programs in terms of accuracy and characteristics for outcome prediction of orthognathic surgeries. The results of studies regarding some two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) software programs for this purpose were collected and reported.Conclusion: Use of diagnostic software programs for prediction of treatment outcome is an inseparable part of orthognathic treatment. Some studies have reported acceptable diagnostic accuracy of these software programs and their optimal efficacy for guiding the patients towards accepting or rejecting a treatment. However, using the manual technique to demonstrate the outcome of orthognathic treatment is still efficacious. Several factors such as updating the primary versions, their compatibility with the new operating systems, education and customer service are important in continuation of use of these software programs

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