Researcher as an Instrument in Qualitative Research: Challenges and Opportunities


AbstractBackground and aim:Researchers, in qualitative researches, both influences on and take effect from the research process. One of the mainissues in qualitative research is validity of the researcher as an instrument of data collection. If the researcher doesnot have enough validity in the data collection, the results of the study will also not be cited. The researcher asinstrument provides an opportunity for researchers to enter into the unknown world of individual about thephenomena in question and sometimes faced many challenges in reaching this goal. This study has been reviewingthe opportunities and challenges of researchers as an instrument in the qualitative research.Materials and methods:This was a review study on the methodology of qualitative research. Using keywords including qualitative research,instrument, challenges, and opportunities, articles and available books were investigated in PubMed, Scopus,Science Direct, Proquest, Magiran ¡SCI ¡IranDoc, SID, Medlib, IranMedex databases with no time limit. TheQuality of the articles was assessed by using the McMaster Critical Review Form for Qualitative studies.Findings:Studies over 12 books and 18 articles showed that the role of the researcher can be varied in different qualitativeresearch designs such as phenomenology researches, grounded theory, ethnography, and content analysis researches.Also previous experience and skills in the process of observation and interview, having effective communicationand asking the appropriate questions have an important impact on the role of researchers as a key factor inqualitative research.Conclusions:Researchers have the main role, especially in data gathering of different types of qualitative researches. Actuallythey are factors that validate the data. Experience and skills, ability to communicate, asking the right questions arethe most important factors that have an influence on doing qualitative research in an appropriate ways.Key words:Qualitative Research, Instrument, Challenge, OpportunityREFERENCES‐ Abedi H A (2010) [Application of phenomenological research in clinical sciences]. Jounal ofRahbord 19(54) 207-24. (persian)  ‐ Alvandi S M and Boudlaei H (2010) [Phenomenology in entrepreneurship studies]. IranianJournal of Management Sciences 5(19) 33-61. (persian)  ‐ Bogdan R and Biklen S K (1997). Qualitative research for education, Fourth Edition, New York,Allyn & Bacon, 1997  ] Briggs D (2013) Emotions, ethnography and crack cocaine users. 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