Sex differences in self-evaluation of quality of life in blind adolescents


Operacionalizacija pojma kvalitet života, bez obzira na različita teorijska shvatanja, obavezno uključuje emotivni i profesionalni aspekt. U literaturi nalazimo podatke da je manja verovatnoća za slepe žene nego za slepe muškarce da sklope brak i da se zaposle. Cilj našeg istraživanja bio je da utvrdi da li postoje polne razlike u samoproceni i zadovoljstvu emotivnim i profesionalnim kvalitetom života mladih slepih. Ispitali smo po 32 slepa (eksperimentalna grupa) i adolescenta tipičnog razvoja (kontrolna grupa), uzrasta 14 do 26 godina. Grupe su u celini ujednačene po polu (20 ispitanika i 12 ispitanica), uzrastu, profesionalnom statusu, redosledu roenja adolescenta, broju dece u porodici, školskoj spremi majke, starosti majke, starosti oca i sredini - seoska/gradska. Polaznu osnovu za konstrukciju instrumenta predstavljao je Upitnik za merenje kvaliteta života Kovačevića. Rezultati pokazuju da slepi ispitanici daju više samoprocene emotivnog kvaliteta života nego ispitanice. Ove razlike su statistički značajne na 0.01 nivou značajnosti. Ispitanice obe grupe su manje zadovoljne ovim aspektom kvaliteta života nego ispitanici. Suprotno ovome, u kontrolnoj grupi ispitanice daju nešto više samoprocene emotivnog kvaliteta života nego ispitanici, ali razlike nisu statistički značajne. U pogledu samoprocene profesionalnog kvaliteta života polne razlike nisu statistički značajne, mada u obe grupe ispitanice daju više samoprocene nego ispitanici. Ovo se može objasniti time što su u uzorku i adolescenti školskog uzrasta. Slepe ispitanice su zadovoljnije profesionalnim kvalitetom života nego slepi ispitanici, što je u skladu sa njihovim samoprocenama. Ali, ispitanici kontrolne grupe su zadovoljniji nego ispitanice, što je suprotno njihovim samoprocenama. Možemo zaključiti da buduća istraživanja profesionalnog kvaliteta života slepih treba obaviti na homogenijim uzorcima u pogledu profesionalnog statusa. Što se tiče emotivnog kvaliteta života slepih adolescenata, nedvosmisleno su utvrene polne razlike. Razlozi ovih razlika su verovatno u vezi sa rodnim ulogama.Operationalization of the concept of quality of life, regardless of the different theoretical concepts, always includes the emotional and professional aspects. Empirical data pointed out that is less likely for the blind woman than for the blind men to get married and to be employed. The aim of our study was to determine whether there are sex differences in self-evaluation and emotional satisfaction and professional quality of life of young blind people. Sample was consisted of 32 blind (experimental group) and adolescent typical development (control group), aged 14 to 26 years. The groups were paired by sex (20 males and 12 females), age, professional status, order of birth, number of children in the family, mother's education level, mother’s age, father's age and environment - rural / urban. The starting point for the construction of the instrument was the Questionnaire for measuring quality of life by Kovacevic. The results showed that the blind male subjects had higher levels of emotional selfassessment of quality of life than female subjects. These differences were statistically significant at the 0.01 level of significance. Female subjects of both groups were less satisfied with this aspect of quality of life than males. In contrast, females in the control group had higher levels of emotional self-assessment of quality of life than males, but the differences were not statistically significant. In terms of professional self-assessment of quality of life gender differences were not statistically significant, although in both groups females give more values than males. This can be explained by the fact that sample contained school children and adolescents. Blind female subjects were satisfied with the professional quality of life more than blind male subjects, which is consistent with their self-evaluation. But, males of the control group were more satisfied than females, which is contrary to their self-evaluation. We conclude that future research of professional quality of life of the blind should be done on homogeneous samples in terms of professional status. For the emotional quality of life of blind children and adolescents, there are clearly defined sexual differences. The reasons for these differences are probably related to gender roles

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