The Relationship between Emotional Labor in Sports Organization and the Level of Loneliness in Organizational Life


The aim of this study is to evaluate the relationship between emotional labor of sports business employees and loneliness levels in organizational life. For the purpose of the study, the universe of the research consists of sports service within the organization of Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Sport İstanbul employees while the sample is created by volunteer participants who are identified through simple random sampling method (n = 330) In the study which is conducted by applying a relational screening model, the data were collected by using the survey method technique. Personal information form, emotional labor and loneliness scales in business life were applied to the participants. The data obtained were registered to the SPSS 25 package program. Correlation and regression analysis were applied as statistical process. As a result, it was determined that there is a moderate negative relationship between the emotional labor level of the employees of the sports organization and the level of loneliness in organizational life, emotional labor is the predictor of loneliness in organizational life and it explains approximately 21% of the total variance. As the level of meeting the business expectations of the employees in the service delivery increases in demand their experience of loneliness decreases in business life. Therefore, it is realized that emotional labor plays an important role in the level of loneliness in organizational life

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