Quantum Natural Gradient for Variational Bayes


Variational Bayes (VB) is a critical method in machine learning and statistics, underpinning the recent success of Bayesian deep learning. The natural gradient is an essential component of efficient VB estimation, but it is prohibitively computationally expensive in high dimensions. We propose a hybrid quantum-classical algorithm to improve the scaling properties of natural gradient computation and make VB a truly computationally efficient method for Bayesian inference in highdimensional settings. The algorithm leverages matrix inversion from the linear systems algorithm by Harrow, Hassidim, and Lloyd [Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 15 (2009)] (HHL). We demonstrate that the matrix to be inverted is sparse and the classical-quantum-classical handoffs are sufficiently economical to preserve computational efficiency, making the problem of natural gradient for VB an ideal application of HHL. We prove that, under standard conditions, the VB algorithm with quantum natural gradient is guaranteed to converge. Our regression-based natural gradient formulation is also highly useful for classical VB

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