Improving nonverbal communication in children with multiple disabilities, including visual impairment


Neverbalna komunikacija zauzima centralnu ulogu i ima neprocenjiv značaj u socijalnom životu čoveka. Predstavlja prirodni i prvi oblik socijalne interakcije. Najveći deo informacija koje doprinose usvajanju veština neverbal- ne komunikacije dete dobija putem vizuelnog opažanja i vizuelnog oponašanja modela. Nemogućnost ili smanjena mogućnost upotrebe vizuelnog senzornog ka- nala ometa neverbalnu komunikativnu razmenu. Učenicima sa oštećenjem vida koji imaju i kognitivne deficite je teško objasniti neverbalne signale bez konkretnog izvođenja neke radnje. Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrđivanje efekata programa za poboljšanje never- balne komunikacije kod višestruko ometene dece sa oštećenjem vida. Program je realizovan sa 10 višestruko ometenih učenika sa oštećenjem vida (eksperi- mentalna grupa) i 10 učenika sa intelektualnom ometenošću (kontrolna gru- pa). Nakon svake faze primene programa procenjivan je nivo dostignutih vešti- na pomoću Skale ispunjavanja cilja (Goal attainment scale). Inicijalna procena je pokazala da su višestruko ometena deca sa oštećenjem vida u odnosu na decu sa intelektualnom ometenošću imala prilično niži nivo veština neverbalne komunikacije. Iz merenja u merenje ova deca su sve više napredovala, tako da su na kraju skoro dostigla nivo kontrolne grupe.Nonverbal communication takes on a central role and has invaluable significance in the social life of a person. It presents the natural part and the first form of social interaction. The largest part of the information that contributes to the acquisition of nonverbal communication skills of a child is acquired through visual perception and visual imitation of the model. The inability or reduced ability to use the visual sensory channel impedes nonverbal communicative exchange. Students with visual impairments, who have cognitive deficits, are difficult to explain nonverbal signals without the specific performance of an action. The aim of the research was to determine the effects of the program for the improvement of nonverbal communication in visually impaired children with multiple disabilities. The program was conducted with 10 children with visual impairments and multiple disabilities (experimental group) and 10 students with intellectual disability (control group). After each stage of the application, the level of achievement was evaluated using the Goal attainment scale. The initial assessment showed that children with visual impairments and multiple disabilities, compared to children with intellectual disabilities, had a fairly lower level of nonverbal communication skills. From measurement to measurement, these children progressed more and more, so they almost reached the level of the control group in the end

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