The characteristics of the glucidic profile in patients with hypertension in relation with obesity


Catedra Cardiologie USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”There were evaluated 80 patients with hypertension I-II degree in accordance with the changes of the glucidic spectrum in relation with obesity. In patients with I-II degree hypertension in 37,5% there were established changes of the glucidic spectrum: 18,8% were with diabetes mellitus type 2, 16,3% - impaired glucose tolerance, 2,5% - modified basal glycemia, and 62,4% patients with hypertension were with normal glucose regulation. In hypertension the indices of glucidic metabolism changed in accordance with the body mass: in obese patients with hypertension more frequently there was established diabetes mellitus type 2 and increased values of the insulinoresistant indices: ultrasensitive insuline ≥12,2 µIU∕ml (37,1% obese patients vs 13,3% non-obese; p2,5 (40,0% obese vs 16,7% non-obese; p<0,05). Au fost evaluaţi 80 pacienţi hipertesivi gr. I-II în contextul modificărilor spectrului glucidic în funcţie de obezitate. La pacienţi hipertensivi gr. I-II in 37,5% s-au constatat modificări ale spectrului glucidic: 18,8% au prezentat DZ tip 2, 16,3% - TAG, 2,5% - GBM, iar 62,4% pacienţi hipertensivi au manifestat reglare normală a glucozei. In hipertensiunea arterială indicii metabolismului glucidic au variat în funcţie de greutatea corporală: la hipertensivii obezi mai frecvent a fost constatat diabet zaharat tip 2 şi valori sporite ale indicilor insulinorezistenţei: insulina ultrasensitivă ≥12,2 µIU∕ml (37,1% obezi vs 13,3% nonobezi; p2,5 (40,0% obezi vs 16,7% nonobezi; p<0,05)

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