Considerations above cronical forms of pulmonary tuberculosis


Catedra Pneumoftiziologie USMF “Nicolae Testemiţanu”Has been analyzed 190 cases of history of autmandep artment with pulmonary cronical tuberculosis in 2001-2006, in Chisinau. Corelation between men-women is 6,8:1. The resistence of tuberculosis mycobacterium, was registered of all patiens, 78,1 per cent has been development of specific treatment until 2-4 years. Most of patients are non compliant to treatment, but 19,5 per cent composing letality cases. Au fost analizate fisele de ambulator a 190 pacienţi, cu tuberculoză pulmonara cronica stabilită intre anii 2001-2006 in oraşul Chişinău. Corelaţia bărbaţi-femei este de 6,8:1. Rezistenţa micobacteriilor de tuberculoză s-a înregistrat la toţi pacienţii, care s-a dezvoltat între 2-4 ani de tratament specific la 78,1%. Majoritatea pacienţilor sunt incomplianţi la tratament, iar decesele constituie 19,5%

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