Interrelation of social environment and quality of adaptive social skills in adolescents with moderate intellectual disability


Usvajanje veštine crtanja uslovljeno je nizom ličnih i sredinskih činilaca. Cilj ovog istraživanja je da se utvrdi uticaj vizuelne pažnje i kognitivne fleksibilnosti na veštinu crtanja kod dece sa lakom intelektualnom ometenošću (LIO). Uzorkom je obuhvaćeno 65-oro dece sa LIO (IQ 50-70; AS=60,03, SD=7,365), uzrasta 10-14 godina (AS=11,62, SD=1,33). Podaci o uzrastu i intelektualnim sposobnostima ispitanika prikupljeni su analizom dokumentacije pedagoško-psihološke službe škola. Za procenu pažnje i kognitivne fleksibilnosti korišćeni su Trail Making Test (TMT), Dan/Noć verzija strup testa i Viskonsin test sortiranja karata (WCST). Veština crtanja je procenjena subtestom Crtanje, koji pripada Akadija testu razvojnih sposobnosti. Za utvrđivanje značajnosti odnosa između posmatranih varijabli korišćeni su koeficijenti korelacije, χ2 test, analiza varijanse i analiza kovarijanse. Analizom rezultata utvrđen je statistički značajan uticaj selektivnosti pažnje na veštinu crtanja (p≤0,000), pri čemu vreme rešavanja testa, nezavisno od IQ-a, objašnjava oko 30% varijabilnosti rezultata na subtestu Crtanje. Oba procenjena aspekta kognitivne fleksibilnosti su značajni činioci rezultata na subtestu Crtanje (p=0,011-0,020). Postignuća na WCST, nezavisno od IQ-a, objašnjavaju oko 15%, a vreme rešavanja TMT-B nešto više od 18% varijanse. Primenom analize rangova utvrđen je statistički značajan odnos vremena rešavanja prvog dela Dan/noć testa i TMT-B sa odstupanjem od uzrasnih normi na subtestu Crtanje (p=0,025-0,001). Sumacijom rezultata se može izvesti zaključak da su selektivnost vizuelne pažnje i kognitivna fleksibilnost važne determinante veštine crtanja kod dece sa LIO.Persons with intellectual disability (ID) show the tendency to adopt prosocial behavior with more difficulties due to deficient social skills and knowledge. The aim of this research was to examine the presence of interrelation between the type of social environment (type of accommodation, family structure) and adoption of adaptive social skills in adolescents with moderate ID (MID). The subscale Social Skills from the Adaptive Behavior Assessment System II was used to assess the level of adoption of social skills. The sample included 49 participants with MID of both sexes, from 13 to 21 years of age, who were distributed in two groups: those living in a family and those living in an institution. The results show the absence of a statistically significant difference between the two groups for the composite score of the examined social skills (p=0.096), and for the domains social behavior (p=0.310) and leisure time (p=0.096). Significant differences were found for only seven items for which the participants with MID living in an institution scored better. Family structure had a significant influence on the differences between the participants for the composite score of social skills. Adolescents who live in an extended family show a much higher level of adoption of social skills compared to their peers living with only one (p=0.003) or both parents (p=0.010). Accommodation type was not a significant predictor of the quality of social skills in adolescents with ID. Family structure - the presence of a large number of adults in the family, is a significant determinant of the level of development of social skills in adolescents with ID

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