'School of Business and Management, Institut Teknologi Bandung'
AbstrakPada campuran perkerasan aspal dibutuhkan bahan pengisi (filler) untuk mendukung kinerja konstruksi perkerasan jalan agar dapat menahan beban lalu lintas. Berbagai jenis filler telah banyak digunakan antara lain abu batu, semen portland dan lain-lain. Namun keterbatasan sumber daya alam mendorong upaya pemanfaatan bahan-bahan buangan dalam konstruksi perkerasan jalan. Pada penelitian ini, digunakan limbah kaca sebagai filler pada campuran perkerasan aspal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui prosentase filler limbah kaca yang paling optimum dan pengaruhnya terhadap kinerja campuran. Kinerja tersebut diukur melalui pengujian stabilitas, flow, Marshall Quotient, rongga dalam campuran, rongga di antara mineral agregat, rongga terisi aspal, Marshall immersion, tegangan tarik tidak langsung dan Cantabro loss. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan limbah kaca dengan proporsi 75% terhadap berat filler meningkatkan stabilitas dan kekakuan campuran sehingga lebih mampu untuk menerima pembebanan. Campuran dengan proporsi 75% filler limbah kaca menghasilkan nilai VIM dan VMA lebih kecil serta nilai VFB lebih besar yang mengindikasikan bahwa campuran memiliki daya ikat dan sifat saling mengunci yang kuat sehingga menghasilkan rongga lebih kecil serta selimut aspal lebih tebal. Berdasarkan hasil uji Marshall immersion dan Cantabro loss, campuran dengan proporsi tersebut lebih tahan terhadap rendaman air sehingga memiliki durabilitas lebih tinggi serta lebih tahan terhadap potensi disintegrasi. AbstractFiller is required in the asphalt concrete mixture to support the performance of pavement construction in order to withstand the traffic load. Various types of filler has been widely used, such as stone ash, portland cement and others. However, because of limitation of available natural resources, there has been a significant increase in the demand for using waste materials in pavement construction. In this study, waste glass was used as filler in asphalt concrete mixture. This study aims to determine the optimum percentage of waste glass filler and evaluate its effect on the performance of asphalt concrete mixtures. The performance was measured in term of stability, flow, Marshall Quotient, voids in mix, voids in the mineral aggregate, voids filled with bitumen, Marshall immersion, indirect tensile strength and Cantabro loss. The results showed that using the percentage of waste glass of 75% by weight of filler increased stability and stiffness so that the mixture became stronger to withstand the load. The mixtures with a proportion of 75% waste glass filler have smaller VIM and VMA values and a larger VFB. It is indicated that the mixtures have strong bonding and interlocking properties resulting in smaller voids and thicker asphalt binder film thickness. Based on the results test of Marshall immersion and Cantabro loss, the mixtures with stated proportion more resistant to water immersion, resulting in higher durability and greater resistance to potency of disintegration.