Objective Structured Clinical Evaluation for Supraclavicular and Femoral Nerve Blocks Utilizing Ultrasound Guidance for Student Nurse Anesthetists


The purpose of this DNP project was to create a tool to teach and evaluate student registered nurse anesthetists (SRNAs) at TheUniversity of Southern Mississippi (USM) on supraclavicular and femoral nerve blocks to promote safety in the clinical setting. An objective structured clinical evaluation (OSCE) for ultrasound-guided supraclavicular and femoral nerve blocks was created as the basis for this project. Best-practice techniques as identified by the AANA’s 14thstandard of nurse anesthesia practice were researched and used in the development of the OSCE to promote a culture of safety for SRNAs and patients (AANA, 2019). A culture of safety was promoted by creating an OSCE that can be used to test and evaluate SRNAs before they enter into a clinical setting. This will allow SRNAs to become more comfortable with performing these nerve blocks by practicing the process of the blocks as well as the techniques used to perform the blocks. Becoming more comfortable with these types of blocks will translate into increased safety for patients receiving these blocks from future USM SRNAs. Step-by-step guides for the nerve blocks were developed. A survey was sent out to current second-year SRNAs and nurse anesthesia faculty at USM. The OSCE was edited based on their feedback after participating in the OSCE and completing the survey. Feedback from the survey was positive and minimal changes were made to the OSCE. All participants agreed that the OSCE was beneficial in presenting clear and exact instructions on the execution of supraclavicular and femoral nerve blocks and that it included all of the necessary information to help SRNAs be successful in the clinical arena

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