Prácticas profesionales virtuales como estrategia de empleabilidad: el caso de la UNED


ABSTRACT One One of the main axes of the recent higher education reform in Spain is the employability of graduates. In this sense, external practices are presented as a central strategy within this political commitment. This article presents a case study about the virtual practices program at the National University of Distance Education (UNED) as an innovative strategy to adapt the promotion of employability to the needs and characteristics of distance students with family conciliation needs. We use a mixed methodology based on data from administrative records, evaluation surveys and qualitative analysis of interviews and focus groups. Research objectives identify motivations of the students and companies to develop virtual internships and evaluate those effects in the students employability by self-evaluation of their level of competences and, on the other hand, through their continuity in these companies. The analysis is performed comparatively with on-site practices. It is concluded that the profile of student in virtual practices has a higher level of competences than on-site students. On the other hand, the need for greater attention and resources is detected in order to achieve a formative efficiency of the practices. Finally, in general terms, we conclude with a reflection on the role of internships within a complex labor context in which they perform as a mechanism for legitimizing access to the labor market or reorientation of the professional career.RESUMENUno de los principales ejes de la reciente reforma universitaria en España es la empleabilidad de los titulados. En este sentido, las prácticas externas se presentan como una estrategia central dentro de este compromiso en la política educativa. Este artículo presenta un estudio de caso sobre el programa de prácticas virtuales de la Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED) como una estrategia innovadora para adecuar la promoción de la empleabilidad a las necesidades y características de los estudiantes a distancia y con necesidades de conciliación. Nos servimos de una metodología mixta, a partir de datos procedentes de registros administrativos2, encuestas de evaluación y análisis cualitativo de entrevistas y reuniones de grupo. Los objetivos de esta investigación son conocer las motivaciones de los estudiantes para realizar (estudiantes) o acoger (empresas) prácticas profesionales virtuales y valorar los efectos de las prácticas en su empleabilidad por medio de la autovaloración de su nivel de competencias y, por otro lado, a través de la continuidad en la empresa en la que realizan prácticas. El análisis se realiza de forma comparada con las prácticas presenciales.Se llega a la conclusión de que el perfil de estudiante en prácticas virtuales tiene un mayor nivel de competencias. Por otro lado, se detecta la necesidad de una mayor atención y disposición de recursos para lograr la eficiencia formativa de las prácticas en modalidad virtual. Finalmente, en términos generales, se reflexiona sobre el papel de las prácticas dentro de un contexto laboral complejo en el que funcionan como mecanismo de legitimación para el acceso al mercado laboral o reorientación de la carrera profesional.ABSTRACTOne One of the main axes of the recent higher education reform in Spain is the employability of graduates. In this sense, external practices are presented as a central strategy within this political commitment. This article presents a case study about the virtual practices program at the National University of Distance Education (UNED) as an innovative strategy to adapt the promotion of employability to the needs and characteristics of distance students with family conciliation needs. We use a mixed methodology based on data from administrative records, evaluation surveys and qualitative analysis of interviews and focus groups. Research objectives identify motivations of the students and companies to develop virtual internships and evaluate those effects in the students employability by self-evaluation of their level of competences and, on the other hand, through their continuity in these companies. The analysis is performed comparatively with on-site practices. It is concluded that the profile of student in virtual practices has a higher level of competences than on-site students. On the other hand, the need for greater attention and resources is detected in order to achieve a formative efficiency of the practices. Finally, in general terms, we conclude with a reflection on the role of internships within a complex labor context in which they perform as a mechanism for legitimizing access to the labor market or reorientation of the professional career

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