Importanţa abordării psihomedicale a dezvoltării copiilor cu afecţiuni mentale ereditare în cadrul consultului medico-genetic


In the article is stressed the importance in medical-genetic consulting of psiho-medical approach on development of children with hereditary mental diseases. After author’s opinion, children till tree years old with hereditary mental diseases are receptive to efforts of psiho-medical recovering and psiho-correction, especially if recovering of these children starts as early as possible. In the present research is discussed the decisive role of determining and identifi cation of the specifi c and particularities of development of children with hereditary mental diseases for the success of efforts of recovering and correction of development of such children. Also, in this work is promoted the necessity of elaboration and applying, during medical – genetic consulting, of psiho – medical strategy of improving of development of children till tree years old with hereditary mental diseases, by using in complex, of medical, psihologic and pedagogic resources of amelioration of development

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