Unele aspecte medico-sociale ale sarcinii oprite în evoluţie


The etiological factors in the pregnancy evolution stopping until 21 weeks have been different. They action by single and associated mechanisms. Our study purpose consists of stop pregnancy incidence assessment until 21 weeks and this pathology risk factors. There were included in the control study group 342 women, divided into two groups: the fi rst one (main)-171 women, where pregnancy was stopped in evolution until 21 weeks and the second group (control)-171 women, their pregnancy was fi nished by delivery. After performed investigations the early sexual life begining represents a major risk in the pregnancy evolution stopping has been established. Thr main risks there were miscariage and abortion in anamnesis, bihorn uterin, thyroide gland disfunction, myoma, stopped pregnancies in anamnesis. The social risk factors are the following: social status, living and working conditions, child legitimation. The etiological factors assessment of the stopped evolution pregnancy will contribute on the diagnosis and treatment program elaboration in the women with stopped pregnancy which leads to the increase pathology icidence

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