Letter from Laura Bell to John Muir, 1909 Nov 7.


1428 Spruce Street, Philadelphia,November 7, 1909.My dear Mr. Muir:This summer when in Europe we were sorry to read in the newspapers of the great forest fires, destroying so many of those fine old trees which take so long to grow, and I trust our western forests have not been entirely denuded. I always associate the Sequoia gigantea with you!I understand that you are now the President of the American Alpine Club which has its meetings in this city, and as their annual dinner takes place in December, I think, I am wondering if you are coming on to it. If so, we shall hope to see you. We are not members of it, but know a number of people who are.We spent some tine in Switzerland, France and Germany this year and had a very nice time, finishing up with an automobile trip from the south of France up to Paris, a most delightful way of traveling.Has San Francisco taken on a more normal appearance by this time, recovering from the earthquake and fire?Hoping you and your daughters are well, and with kind regards from my sister and brother and myself, I am,Very truly,Laura Bell0462

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