The University of KwaZulu-Natal for the International Society for Telemedicine and eHealth
Over the past 20 years there has been growing interest in remote interactive training of doctors using videoconferencing that allows for the exchange of knowledge and experience, and facilitates the introduction of new technologies. Videoconferencing was initially constrained by digital communication limitations and costs, but modern videoconferencing tools have helped to resolve this. Access to the experience and knowledge of leading world specialists can achieve through interactive video lectures, master classes or participation in scientific conferences. A Telemedicine Centre for videoconferencing based on modern ITU standards and a simulation-training centre where physicians can improve their practical skills have been installed at the Medical Institute of the RUDN- University. This provides the necessary infrastructure and conditions for the provision of videoconference based continuing medical education (CME) programmes which allow physicians to study at their workplace Two professional educational programmes on telemedicine have been developed and have been included in the list of CME programmes approved by the Ministry of Health of Russia. Using videoconferencing for interactive distance learning in CME, allows. These consist of theoretical sections of telelectures with interactive remote master classes from leading Russian and foreign clinics, the provision of parallel work using medical simulators, as well as the introduction of 3D visualization technologies in organizing master classes will improve practical skills