Translating Policy, Systems, and Environmental Change for Use in the Family Context


Theorists argue that emphasizing changes to the policies, systems, and environments in which individuals live has more economical and sustainable impact on human health than interventions targeted directly to individuals (Kegler et al., 2015). We believe, however, that the ecology of the family remains an essential context for influencing individual behavior and contend it crucial that family life educators acknowledge the impact of family-level health-improvement initiatives. As such, we propose a behavior-change model for the family context that reflects the impact of interconnected family rules (policy), family relationships (systems), and the home (environment) on individual behavior, and acknowledge the underlying philosophical values that influence decisions about development, well-being, and health (see Figure 1; Bates & Yelland, 2018). Although the four framework concepts are interrelated, each can be conceptualized and operationalized uniquely. Future research will delineate techniques for evaluating how changes to family rules, family relationships, and the home impact human health

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