Application of speech audiometry In hearing impaired children


Govorna audiometrija, kao jedna od metoda za ispitivanje sluha nije našla svoju široku primenu u našoj zemlji. Koristi se kod dece i odraslih osoba za procenu razumljivosti govora. Takođe se koristi i za procenu mogućnosti habilitacije sluha i govora pomoću slušnih pomagala. Procena se izvodi u polukabini gde se ispitaniku na odgovarajućem intenzitetu puštaju reči preko slušalica ili u slobodnom polju. Ispitanik treba da, bez čitanja sa lica i usana ispitivača, ponovi reč koja mu je prezentovana. Cilj ovog rada je da se ispita efikasnosti auditivnog pomagala kod dece oštećenog sluha govornom audiometrijom u slobodnom polju. Uzorakom je obuhvaćeno 20-oro dece oba pola sa obostranim prelingvalnim senzorineuralnim oštećenjem sluha veoma teškog stepena (> 90 dB), hronološkog uzrasta od 3-8 godina koja su bila uključena u habilitacioni program. Eksperimentalnu grupu su činili ispitanici sa kohlearnim implantom a kontrolnu oni koji koriste slušni aparat. Dobijeni rezultati potvrđuju činjenicu da govorna audiometrija u slobodnom polju može da nađe primenu prvenstveno kao jedna od metoda za utvrđivanje efikasnosti auditivnog pomagala i habilitacionog postupka kao i verifikaciju fitting-a auditivnih pomagala. Dobijeni rezultati nas upućuju na činjenicu da je prosečan prag razumljivosti ispitivanih reči na govonoj audiometriji u slobodnom polju bio bolji kod dece sa kohlearnim implantom u odnosu na decu sa slušnim aparatima.Speech audiometry, as one of the hearing tests, has not been widely used in our country. It is used in children and adults to assess the intelligibility of speech. It is also used in evaluating the likelihood of hearing and speech rehabilitation with hearing aids. This method is performed in a semi cab where words are played at appropriate intensity level to the subject through headphones or in a free field. The candidate should the given word without reading from the examiner’s lips or face. The aim of this paper is to investigate the efficacy of auditory aids in hearing impaired children by means of speech audiometry in a free field. The sample included 20 children of both sexes with a very severe bilateral prelingual hearing loss (>90 dB), aged betwen 3 and 8, and who are involved in the habilitation program. The children were divided into two groups: experimental (cochlear implant) and control (hearing aids) group. They were examined by a list of words intended to test hearing using speech audiometry. The results confirm that speech audiometry in a free field may be applied primarily as a method for determining the effectiveness of auditory aids and assisted the habilitation procedure, and the verification of fitting auditory aids. The results indicate that the average threshold level for intelligibility of words tested by speech audiometry in a free field was better in children with cochlear implants than in children with hearing aids

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