Risk assessment of Gibberella circinata for the EU territory and identification and evaluation of risk management options
- Authors
- Adams
- Aegerter
- Agustí‐Brisach
- Aldous
- Allen
- Anderson
- Anonymous
- Arvanitis
- Ayres
- Barnett
- Barnett
- Barnett
- Barnett
- Barrows‐Broaddus
- Barrows‐Broaddus
- Barrows‐Broaddus
- Barrows‐Broaddus
- Barrows‐Broaddus
- Belcher
- Belcher
- Bell
- Biosecurity Australia
- Blakeslee
- Blakeslee
- Blakeslee
- Blakeslee
- Blakeslee
- Blakeslee
- Bloomberg
- Bonello
- Bonner
- Bragança
- Britz
- Britz
- Britz
- Burgess
- CAB International
- Campbell
- Carey
- Carey
- Carlucci
- Carter
- Ching
- Correll
- Correll
- Coutinho
- Dallara
- Devey
- Dick
- Dick
- Dobbs
- Dumroese
- Dwinell
- Dwinell
- Dwinell
- Dwinell
- Dwinell
- Dwinell
- EFSA Panel on Plant Health (PLH)
- EPPO (European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization)
- EPPO (European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization)
- EPPO (European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization)
- EPPO (European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization)
- EPPO (European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization)
- EPPO (European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization)
- EPPO (European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization)
- EPPO (European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization)
- EPPO (European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization)
- EPPO (European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization)
- EPPO (European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization)
- EPPO (European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization)
- Erbilgin
- FAO (Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations)
- FAO (Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations)
- Fisher
- Fox
- Fox
- Fraedrich
- Fraedrich
- Gadgil
- Gadgil
- Ganley
- Ganley
- Ganley
- Garbelotto
- GDFNE (General Directorate for the Forests and the Natural Environment)
- Gordon
- Gordon
- Gordon
- Greenslade
- Hammerbacher
- Harkin
- Harkin
- Haywood
- Hepting
- Hepting
- Hodge
- Hoover
- Hoover
- Huang
- Hurley
- Hurley
- Inman
- Ioos
- ISTA (International Seed Testing Association)
- James
- Jones
- Kayihan
- Kelley
- Kobayashi
- Kratka
- Kriticos
- Kriticos
- Kuhlman
- Kuhlman
- Kuhlman
- Kuhlman
- Kuhlman
- Kvas
- Landeras
- Lee
- Leslie
- Liao
- Lopez‐Zamora
- Lott
- Matthews
- McCain
- McCain
- McNee
- Mitchell
- Molina‐Murillo
- Morrell
- Muramoto
- Nelson
- New
- Nirenberg
- O'Donnell
- Owen
- Pawuk
- Perez‐Sierra
- Phelps
- Pscheidt
- Ramsfield
- Ridley
- Riley
- Rockwood
- Runion
- Runion
- Runion
- Runion
- Sakamoto
- Schweigkofler
- Snyder
- South
- Steenkamp
- Steenkamp
- Storer
- Storer
- Storer
- Storer
- Storer
- Storer
- Storer
- Storer
- Storer
- Summerell
- Sutherst
- Tanaka
- Tanaka
- Templeton
- Tjosvold
- Toussoun
- Trappe
- UN (United Nations)
- Vaartaja
- Viljoen
- Viljoen
- Viljoen
- Vogler
- Watt
- Wikler
- Wikler
- Wingfield
- Wingfield
- Wingfield
- World Tourism Organization
- Yan
- Publication date
- Publisher
- 'Wiley'
- Doi