Promoting self-regulated learning in primary teacher education


In sum, the following general research questions are answered in this dissertation: 1. Which SRL principles for primary teacher education are distinguished in the literature? 2. Which tool can assess primary student teachers’ SRL opportunities in educational pre-service programs? 3. To what extent do student teachers’ use of metacognitive learning strategies and motivation for learning change in a learning environment with increased SRL opportunities? Based on the research findings of the main study, it becomes obvious that teacher educators require more informal learning trajectories to further implement SRL opportunities in their learning programs. The elaboration of the SRL design principles in online learning networks can support teacher educators’ search for a sufficient balance between teacher- and student-centred learning, because online learning networks are not limited by geography, space, or time. Rather, they can provide experiences for extending learning beyond the classroom walls that can be applied in classroom practice. This insight results in a closer investigation of the value of online learning networks for further support of SRL implementation in primary teacher education, resulting in a final fourth research question of this PhD research: 4. What is the value of online learning networks to support SRL implementation in primary teacher education

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