The Ursinus Weekly, January 15, 1934


Ursinus and Penn broadcast debate • Committee to study campus problems • G-burg trounces Chase five, 33-14 • Humorous comedy presented by Y • Phila. college club to confer Jan. 19-20 • Men\u27s Forensic Club arranges schedule • Frosh open season with Villanova tomorrow night • Women\u27s debating club accepts new members • Seniors consider programs for last class weekend • Y.M. discussion groups entertained at dinner • Hall Chemical Society to hear Dr. R. Sturgis • New method of conducting programs used by IRC • Faculty and students attend pol.-social science conference • Musical selections at Sunday night vespers • Soph hop scheduled for Tuesday, January 30 • Two dance dates granted at student act. council • New books acquired by college library • Short stories topic of English Club meeting • Councils make rules for freshman rushing periods • Program presented at Royersford by YW • Women\u27s student council plans revision of rules • List of fraternity and sorority members

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