Canine behaviour type index in experimental Units trial


We ran the present research in canine behaviour over 18 months, on the premises of Experimental infrastructure of Horia Cernescu Research Unit, under behaviour study project of animal lodging Research contract no. 4833 / September, 4, 2014. The study considered a 360 dogs group, data being extracted from our (March, 31, 2015 to July, 31, 2017) pet databases. The research is structured based on Canine Behaviour Type Index (CTBI) 12 types canine behaviour, considering three psychological interactive factors further itemized into (1) Environmental (either Organized or Spontaneous); (2) Social (Alpha, Beta, or Gamma); (3) Motivation (either Medium or High), i.e. 12 possible outcomes. The breed type (χ2=818.59, at p < 0.000), age (F=9.31, at p < 0.001) and period of staying (F=3.185, at p ≤ 0.001) appear to be associated with CBTI. The older dogs resulted more like Dreamer (SBM) and Aristocrat (SAM) behaviour types, while younger more like Adventurer (SBH) and Rebel (SAH). Our study results cannot sustain gender association hypothesis based on CBTI profiles (χ2=17.31, at p = 0.099), suggesting, nevertheless, that CBTI is a useful tool in canine behaviour research, in matters of pets’ owners – research financed by private funds, win-win case

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