Results regarding the study of reproduction indexes at brown breed cow population from Vrancea County


On a population of 1520 Brown cows, from 15 farms located in Vrancea County were evaluated the main reproductive indicators on the basis of data from official control in farms. Were evaluated the following indicators: rank of lactation, age at first calving (AFC), service period(SP), dry period (DP), calving interval (CI)and number of artificial inseminations for one gestation (IA). From analysis of mean values could be observed that average age at first calving was of approximately 33 month ranking between 29 and 35 month, the analysed population having precocity under the standard of Brown breed. Number of inseminations for one gestation was 2.09, at the farms level being recorded a poor management of frozen seminal material.Reproduction indicators had means values which prove that reproduction function was poor technically managed

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