Jari ječam Lav i Branko


In 2000, the Federal Variety Commission registered two new cultivars of spring barley Lav and Branko. Botanically, both are classified as two-rowed spring barley (Hordeum sativum, ssp. distichum var. nutans). The cultivar Lav was developed by crossing the cultivars Novosadski 294, Alva, and Novosadski 313, while the cultivar Branko is a result of a cross between the cultivars Kaskada and Novosadski 310. Both of the cultivars have an elastic stem resistant to lodging that is shorter than that of the standard cultivar Novosadski 294 (on average, Lav is shorter by 11.8 cm and Branko by 3.9 cm). Looking at an average of all three study years (1996-1998) and all three trial locations, both Lav (5,748 kg/ha) and Branko (5,432 kg/ha) significantly outyielded the standard (4,230 kg/ha). Both cultivars also have better technological characteristics of the grain and malt than Novosadski 294. Lav has a low protein content (11.2%), whereas Branko sprotein content is somewhat higher (13.5%) than that of the standard.Savezna sortna komisija. 2000. godine priznala je dve nove sorte jarog ječma Lav i Branko. Obe sorte po botaničkoj klasifikaciji pripadaju jarom dvoredom ječmu Hordeum sativum, ssp. distichum var. nutans. Sorta Lav nastala je ukrštanjem sorti Novosadski 294, Alva i Novosadski 316, a sorta Branko ukrštanjem sorti Kaskade i Novosadski 310. Sorte imaju elastičnu stabljiku otpornu na poleganje i nižu u odnosu na standardnu sortu Novosadski 294, sorta Lav je u proseku niža za 11,8 cm a sorta Branko za 3,9 cm. U proseku za sva tri lokaliteta i sve tri godine (1996-1998) sorta Lav (5748 kg ha-1) i sorta Branko (5432 kg ha-1) su dale visoko značajno veće prinose u odnosu na standardnu sortu (4230 kg ha-1). Obe sorte su po tehnološkim osobinama zrna i slada bolje od standardne sorte Novosadski 294. Sorta Lav ima nizak sadržaj proteina 11,2% a sorta Branko ima nešto viši sadržaj proteina 13,5% u odnosu na standard

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