Salinlahi: An interactive learning environment for Filipino language learning for kids


Salinlahi is an interactive learning environment that allows heritage learners, particularly beginner level children to learn the Filipino Language. It is a web-based system that provides easy access to currently limited learning materials on Filipino language to other learners around the globe. The ILE includes 11 lessons on basic Filipino. Each lesson uses images, animation, interactive exercises, and system will provide immediate feedback. It also keeps track of the student\u27s progress. The system was evaluated by experts and was tested by grade one students. The lessons that were evaluated are those found under the home theme namely basic greetings, family, parts of the house and household chores. With a highest score of 5, the system was given an average score of 4.11 based on the results of the evaluation of the experts. On the other hand, the system received an average rating of 4.04 based on the observation of three grade one teachers. Meanwhile, the students were able to master three out of four lessons based on the results of their pretest and post test

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