Transport mode choices of regional passenger travel from Manila to Davao


Besides Metro Manila, Davao is one of the major developing cities in the Philippines. The study aims to determine how the characteristics of the passenger and the mode itself affect the decision of an individual on what mode to take going to a particular zone, namely, Davao. The group conducted a survey study that interviewed passengers going to Davao, obtaining the socio-economic characteristics of individuals and characteristics of the modes of transportation. Given these information, the group used logistic regression in analyzing the data, which is a regression model that analyzes binomially distributed data or variables. The result of this study is represented by a model that would determine the probability of each passenger\u27s choice of mode given his/her socio-economic characteristics and the characteristics of the modes themselves. An example of socio-economic characteristic is the individual\u27s personal income. The results of this study showed that the cost of travel and the individual\u27s personal income greatly affects the choice of mode of that individual. Cost of travel, travel time and monthly income of a passenger have great impact on his/her choice on what mode of transportation to take in traveling from Manila to Davao

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