Fuzzy multi-objective optimization case study based on an anaerobic co-digestion process of food waste leachate and piggery wastewater


This paper presents the development and evaluation of fuzzy multi-objective optimization for decision-making that includes the process optimization of anaerobic digestion (AD) process. The operating cost criteria which is a fundamental research gap in previous AD analysis was integrated for the case study in this research. In this study, the mixing ratio of food waste leachate (FWL) and piggery wastewater (PWW), calcium carbonate (CaCO3) and sodium chloride (NaCl) concentrations were optimized to enhance methane production while minimizing operating cost. The results indicated a maximum of 63.3% satisfaction for both methane production and operating cost under the following optimal conditions: mixing ratio (FWL: PWW) – 1.4, CaCO3 – 2970.5 mg/L and NaCl – 2.7 g/L. In multi-objective optimization, the specific methane yield (SMY) was 239.0 mL CH4/g VSadded, while 41.2% volatile solids reduction (VSR) was obtained at an operating cost of 56.9 US/ton.Incomparisonwiththepreviousoptimizationstudythatutilizedtheresponsesurfacemethodology,theSMY,VSRandoperatingcostoftheADprocesswere310mL/g,54/ton. In comparison with the previous optimization study that utilized the response surface methodology, the SMY, VSR and operating cost of the AD process were 310 mL/g, 54% and 83.2 US/ton, respectively. The results from multi-objective fuzzy optimization proves to show the potential application of this technique for practical decision-making in the process optimization of AD process. © 2018 Elsevier Lt

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