A Proposed advertising plan for San Miguel packaging products


The proposed 1995 SMPP Advertising Plan primarily focuses on San Miguel Packaging Products as a company. SMPP experienced a negative growth in 1992 and a declining share in SMC\u27s Total Revenues. The advertising campaign serves to reinforce SMPP\u27s marketing efforts in stimulating the demand for SMPP products. The plan intends to reach 95 percent of the target market creating a top of mind awareness level and instilling the idea that SMPP symbolizes a long history of multi-packaging superiority. Popular mediums (Audio-Visual Presentation, brochures, print ads, direct mail) in industrial advertising and a non-traditional form (fax advertising) shall be used. All ads will revolve around a lion analogy theme and the SMPP (Strong Mark of Packaging Perfection) cronym. However, the company brochure will also include analogies between an animal and specific package. Print ads and new will be released in leading broadsheets and magazines. The campaign also incorporates public relations and promotional recommendations to complement advertising efforts. Public relations will involve sponsorship of various sports and social activities, participation in exhibits and socio-civic projects. Advertorials and press releases will run throughout the year. The campaign will run from January 1 to December 1995. The entire plan covers a P 9,778,176 advertising budget and a P 5,558,200 Public Relations & Promotions budget. This is inclusive of production costs, media placements and contingency cost

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