Automated Reverse Vending Aluminum Can Crusher (ARVACC)


Through the years, the price of aluminum has been increasing due to economic factors globally. In spite of it, people still tend to overlook the fact that the aluminum scrap thrown away is recyclable and beneficial only scavengers collecting these aluminum scrap are the ones who partake in the process of recycling. Aside from that, there is currently no reverse vending machine that crushes aluminum cans and gives off the equivalent monetary value in the Philippines. Therefore, the problem is how to design and fabricate an automated reverse vending aluminum can crusher. The Automated Reverse Vending Aluminum Can Crusher (ARVACC) was able to attain high level of confidence in achieving the set parameters for accepting and rejecting aluminum cans inserted. The machine\u27s coin dispenser can accumulate coins for more than one (1) transaction. It has the ability to display OFFLINE when the bin is already full or if there is no money available. It effectively reduces the can\u27s volume by as much as 33% of the original size and has a minimum transaction of one (1) can. Overall, the machine was able to achieve the objectives set and was able to prove that it is reliable enough to be placed in public

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