An integrated marketing communications campaign for 1740 Coffee Genesis


Coffee has always been part of various cultures, including Filipino culture. Coffee became a commodity in the 1800s during its first wave. Later on, coffee was appreciated more while consumers tend to want more quality coffee. With the improvement in the quality of coffee, its price also rose. This is the second wave of coffee culture which happened in the 1970s when Starbucks and other commercial coffee shops started growing. Years after, another culture developed whereby people became more interested in the origin of the coffee, how it was processed and brewed. Traceability of coffee, the skills of the barista, and fair-trade coffee became of high importance during the third wave of the coffee culture. With the Filipinos being a coffee-drinking nation, they also became a fad of third wave coffee culture, especially the millennials. This phenomenon became an opportunity for many coffee lovers and entrepreneurs to supply the demand for quality coffee, specifically specialty coffee. 1740 Coffee Genesis is among the specialty coffee shops that belong to the third wave of coffee culture, while focusing on specialty local coffee, and helping local coffee farmers through selling their coffee and looking for potential customers for them to help them sustain their livelihood. Although many of the coffee shop goers would purchase locally and ethically-sourced coffee like that of 1740 Coffee Genesis’, there is a challenge for 1740 Coffee Genesis to reach more of their target market due to minimal marketing efforts. Hence, this integrated marketing communications campaign is created to help the brand increase its brand awareness, and to increase its overall sales. The marketing strategy proposals were based on the Awareness, Interest, Desire, and Action (AIDA) Model as well as in the Inbound Marketing Model (Attract, Engage, and Delight) that will guide the target market on each step of the consumer journey. Given this, multiple media platforms that are relevant to the target market will be used for this campaign

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